Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday, 6/20/13: A Tale of Bad Hummus *OR* The Pains of Going Slow

Ever been knocked flat for days after eating bad hummus?

If you haven't, it's less fun than it sounds (bear in mind that it doesn't sound like any fun whatsoever).  That's been my life since Sunday.

I finally had enough energy/ minimal nausea/ no headache last night, and was able to get out for an evening run.  Here are the stats as best I remember them:

Start Time: Approx. 8:30 PM
Finish Time:  I... don't remember. :(
Distance: 4.3 miles
Pace: Undetermined
Weather:  Warm, but the sun was down.  Humidity was minimal.

I didn't keep my pace, but it felt like I was going much slower than I'm used to.  I didn't think much of it; after all, I was coming off of what I suspected was food poisoning (on a related note, I won't be touching hummus for a long, long time).  But then I dragged myself out of bed this morning in an attempt to log some better miles.

Start time: Approx: 5:45 AM
Finish Time: Approx: 6:50 AM
Distance: 5.88 miles
Pace:  11:03 min/mile

I used to be able to complete this course (one I run very routinely) with a pace of 9:30 without having to walk.  But this morning, before I hit the 5 mile mark, I started walking because my quads felt like they were on fire!  Clearly that accounts for my sorry pace, and maybe I should just blame it on the hummus.  Still, going slow when I want to go fast is FRUSTRATING!

So, since this is a blog about my running exploits, experiments, and accountability (and not just a place to whine), what am I going to do about it?  Since I'm going to visit my parents for a few days, and the local high school track is the only real place to run, I might be in for some speedwork.

What is speedwork, and why is a track useful for it?  Stay tuned....

And here's a picture from this morning's run in Lexington, Kentucky.  Witness the gorgeous sunrise over scenic... Walgreens.  

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